Welcome to Rockville is finally just less than 60 days away! Still thinking about it going but contemplating the cost? For the first time, they are offering a payment plan option! Buy passes now and pay later with Zip, where you can split your payment into four or eight easy payments. Times are a bit crazy and uncertain right now, but that’s even more reason to go! When we say we understand the financial struggle, we get it, we live in California, but it’s an escapism from reality and heals our mental health (even if it's just temporarily). There are so many options now. Even airlines have payment plans that you can pay later, and hotels you can always split with friends. We try to budget out ahead of time how much we’ll spend each day. The experience is worth it all!
Last year was our first year at Welcome to Rockville. For us, it's a central place to meet up with friends that live all over the world. With us being from California, one friend from Minnesota, one from Wisconsin, and one from the UK. Two of us out of the group camped and three of us stayed across the street in a hotel, so we got to see both sides of the fest experience. Camping is great to have a spot to take breaks throughout the day, cook some food, take a nap, get a drink, and regroup for the headliners. If you get sensory overload, the hotel close by was nice to just walk back and have a break from everything for 12 hours.
Every festival has pros and cons, but I have to say this is a really well run festival. My only complaint has nothing to do with the festival itself…it’s Florida and it’s HOT. We did VIP, and the air conditioned, flushable restrooms are well worth it! The staff from bartenders to security were awesome. We have been counting the days to walk through the gates this year. Any LOSTIES out there? Remember when Jack was yelling to Kate “We need to go back!!” That's how we felt on Monday when it was all over. You will meet new friends, see things you haven’t seen before, and get to cross off some bucketlist bands! It’s a 4 day dopamine rush that we are all on a constant search to find, especially in today’s world.
If you’ve never been to a festival here are a few important things we’ve learned:
It’s Florida in May, it’s HOT!
Start hydrating 7-10 days BEFORE the festival.
Liquid IV or any other electrolytes will help a lot
Bring a refillable water container. There are FREE water refil stations around the fest, Use them!
Pace yourself if consuming alcohol. Beat boxes are tasty and easy to down but at 11% alcohol, they sneak up on you quick!
Get one of those phone leashes. Unfortunately there are professional phone thieves. They know what they are doing and it’s quick. Front pockets are not safe. We were one of over 300 phones that wound up in China last year.
Be you!! It’s hot, so less is probably better
Hats and sunscreen.
We’re pit girls, so even though it’s hot we always wear closed toed shoes.
Creative fits and costumes are fun! No one is judging, we promise
Neck gaiters or fans are real helpful to keep you cool.
Know there will be crowd surfers and random mosh pits. Complaining and pushing back won’t make it stop.
If you aren’t willing to help carry the surfers, go to the side.
Look back to see if crowd surfers are coming, tap people around you and yell “Heads Up!!” This helps people not get injured.
Pick people up when they fall
Letting people drop on purpose is not cool.
Help each other out.
When you see someone struggling, stop and help.
For a medical emergency, put your arms up in an X.
Have patience
Enjoy the show!
Go to www.Welcometorockville.com and get your tickets now!
I’m going to be a pickme girl…it’s my birthday weekend, so if you see me, let’s get photo!